Puzzle of Developing E-Learning Systems for Higher Education in Developing States like Pakistan
E-Learning [EL] systems are developed by professionals but used by those belonging to one or another field and not the computer as subject. Given this, EL has to be developed within a scenario of technical, human and social aspects of the environment wherein the new system is about to operate. Which technologies are available and how they are perceived determines the development and use processes however, this relationship is mediated by users’ digital literacy issues and beliefs about the nature and role of ICTs in education? This is therefore incumbent upon developers and HEI-management to start with a broader picture of EL projects and make technical, human, social and organizational arrangements to develop and integrate the new system within the existing work environment making it supportive to prospected users. This paper develops theoretical model of theory of EL development and use in higher education in the background of developing states.
Information & Communication Technologies, Electronic Learning, Higher Education Institutions, Digital-literacy
(1) Allah Nawaz
Professor, Department of Public Administration, Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan, KP, Pakistan
(2) Irfan Ullah Khan
Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan, KP, Pakistan.
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APA : Nawaz, A., & Khan, I. U. (2019). Puzzle of Developing E-Learning Systems for Higher Education in Developing States like Pakistan. Global Educational Studies Review, IV(I), 12-20. https://doi.org/10.31703/gesr.2019(IV-I).02
CHICAGO : Nawaz, Allah, and Irfan Ullah Khan. 2019. "Puzzle of Developing E-Learning Systems for Higher Education in Developing States like Pakistan." Global Educational Studies Review, IV (I): 12-20 doi: 10.31703/gesr.2019(IV-I).02
HARVARD : NAWAZ, A. & KHAN, I. U. 2019. Puzzle of Developing E-Learning Systems for Higher Education in Developing States like Pakistan. Global Educational Studies Review, IV, 12-20.
MHRA : Nawaz, Allah, and Irfan Ullah Khan. 2019. "Puzzle of Developing E-Learning Systems for Higher Education in Developing States like Pakistan." Global Educational Studies Review, IV: 12-20
MLA : Nawaz, Allah, and Irfan Ullah Khan. "Puzzle of Developing E-Learning Systems for Higher Education in Developing States like Pakistan." Global Educational Studies Review, IV.I (2019): 12-20 Print.
OXFORD : Nawaz, Allah and Khan, Irfan Ullah (2019), "Puzzle of Developing E-Learning Systems for Higher Education in Developing States like Pakistan", Global Educational Studies Review, IV (I), 12-20
TURABIAN : Nawaz, Allah, and Irfan Ullah Khan. "Puzzle of Developing E-Learning Systems for Higher Education in Developing States like Pakistan." Global Educational Studies Review IV, no. I (2019): 12-20. https://doi.org/10.31703/gesr.2019(IV-I).02