Assessment of Student's Academic Achievement by Flipped Classroom Model and Traditional Lecture Method
Abstract: In recent years, a new learning approach called "Flipped classrooms model" has been stated as an effective way of learning. In this study, a statistical approach for the comparison of traditional lecture method and Flipped classrooms model has been performed for the academic performance of students in 6th and 7th semesters in the subject of Psychology. The study comprised of two semesters (32 weeks). The students in the 6th semester learned by traditional lecture method while in the 7th semester, students used the Flipped classroom model. The students and subject were the same in both the semesters. The statistical analysis showed that 7th semesters students learned by "Flipped classrooms model" achieved better academic performance than the 6th-semester students learned by traditional lecture method. The t-test analysis showed that the students learned by Flipped classroom model have effect size 3% more than academic achievements of students learned by traditional lecture method.
Academic Achievement, Flipped Classroom Model, Psychology, SPSS, Traditional Lecture Method
(1) Saira
Lecturer, Department of Education, University of Gujrat, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Fouzia Ajmal
Assistant Professor, Department of Education, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
(3) Muhammad Hafeez
Research Scholar, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
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APA : Saira., Ajmal, F., & Hafeez, M. (2020). Assessment of Student's Academic Achievement by Flipped Classroom Model and Traditional Lecture Method. Global Educational Studies Review, V(IV), 10-19.
CHICAGO : Saira, , Fouzia Ajmal, and Muhammad Hafeez. 2020. "Assessment of Student's Academic Achievement by Flipped Classroom Model and Traditional Lecture Method." Global Educational Studies Review, V (IV): 10-19 doi: 10.31703/gesr.2020(V-IV).02
HARVARD : SAIRA., AJMAL, F. & HAFEEZ, M. 2020. Assessment of Student's Academic Achievement by Flipped Classroom Model and Traditional Lecture Method. Global Educational Studies Review, V, 10-19.
MHRA : Saira, , Fouzia Ajmal, and Muhammad Hafeez. 2020. "Assessment of Student's Academic Achievement by Flipped Classroom Model and Traditional Lecture Method." Global Educational Studies Review, V: 10-19
MLA : Saira, , Fouzia Ajmal, and Muhammad Hafeez. "Assessment of Student's Academic Achievement by Flipped Classroom Model and Traditional Lecture Method." Global Educational Studies Review, V.IV (2020): 10-19 Print.
OXFORD : Saira, , Ajmal, Fouzia, and Hafeez, Muhammad (2020), "Assessment of Student's Academic Achievement by Flipped Classroom Model and Traditional Lecture Method", Global Educational Studies Review, V (IV), 10-19
TURABIAN : Saira, , Fouzia Ajmal, and Muhammad Hafeez. "Assessment of Student's Academic Achievement by Flipped Classroom Model and Traditional Lecture Method." Global Educational Studies Review V, no. IV (2020): 10-19.