Effectiveness of Continuous Professional Development Teachers-Training Programmes: From Trainee Teachers' Perspectives
This study seeks to determine the effectiveness of continuous professional development (CPD) programs from trainee teachers' perspectives in the Malakand division. The researchers used a quantitative research approach to test hypotheses. A self-constructed questionnaire based on the opinion of trainee teachers was administered before and after the intervention (CPD). Data were collected from 266 trainee teachers in training centers in three districts of the Malakand division. The results revealed significant differences in the opinion of trainee teachers regarding content knowledge, instructional roles, ethics and professionalism, classroom management skills, and pedagogical knowledge. They perceived that after the training a significant increase took place in their perceptions regarding five constructs. The study recommended that trainee teachers as well as in-service teachers be provided ample chances to enhance their content, pedagogical, and content pedagogical skills. The government must provide a handsome amount for the conduction of CPD for teachers to equip them with modern teaching methods and skills.
Continuous Professional Development Programme, Trainee Teachers, Content Knowledge, Instructional Roles, Classroom Management, Pedagogical Knowledge
(1) Shah Hussain
PhD Scholar, Department of Education, University of Malakand, Chakdara, KP, Pakistan.
(2) Iqbal Amin Khan
Lecturer, Department of Education, University of Malakand, Chakdara, KP, Pakistan.
(3) Munir Khan
Assistant Professor, Department of Education, University of Malakand, Chakdara, KP, Pakistan.
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APA : Hussain, S., Khan, I. A., & Khan, M. (2024). Effectiveness of Continuous Professional Development Teachers-Training Programmes: From Trainee Teachers' Perspectives. Global Educational Studies Review, IX(III), 98-106. https://doi.org/10.31703/gesr.2024(IX-III).09
CHICAGO : Hussain, Shah, Iqbal Amin Khan, and Munir Khan. 2024. "Effectiveness of Continuous Professional Development Teachers-Training Programmes: From Trainee Teachers' Perspectives." Global Educational Studies Review, IX (III): 98-106 doi: 10.31703/gesr.2024(IX-III).09
HARVARD : HUSSAIN, S., KHAN, I. A. & KHAN, M. 2024. Effectiveness of Continuous Professional Development Teachers-Training Programmes: From Trainee Teachers' Perspectives. Global Educational Studies Review, IX, 98-106.
MHRA : Hussain, Shah, Iqbal Amin Khan, and Munir Khan. 2024. "Effectiveness of Continuous Professional Development Teachers-Training Programmes: From Trainee Teachers' Perspectives." Global Educational Studies Review, IX: 98-106
MLA : Hussain, Shah, Iqbal Amin Khan, and Munir Khan. "Effectiveness of Continuous Professional Development Teachers-Training Programmes: From Trainee Teachers' Perspectives." Global Educational Studies Review, IX.III (2024): 98-106 Print.
OXFORD : Hussain, Shah, Khan, Iqbal Amin, and Khan, Munir (2024), "Effectiveness of Continuous Professional Development Teachers-Training Programmes: From Trainee Teachers' Perspectives", Global Educational Studies Review, IX (III), 98-106
TURABIAN : Hussain, Shah, Iqbal Amin Khan, and Munir Khan. "Effectiveness of Continuous Professional Development Teachers-Training Programmes: From Trainee Teachers' Perspectives." Global Educational Studies Review IX, no. III (2024): 98-106. https://doi.org/10.31703/gesr.2024(IX-III).09