Influence of Teachers' Professional Development in Integrated STEAM Pedagogy on Teachers' Practices
The study explored the influence of teachers' professional development (PD) on teachers' practices. The professional development training focused on integrated STEAM pedagogy,design thinking, and inquiry-based learning spanning three cycles of four weeks. Seven teachers from two schools for the underprivileged were a part of this qualitative action research study. A semi-structured interview protocol was used for data collection in three rounds of focus group interviews. Results from the thematic analysis report that the professional development helped enhance creativity, critical thinking, and innovation among the teachers. They gained a deeper understanding of the integration of STEAM pedagogy in their lessons. It also helped them empathize with the context of what is being taught themselves and foster it in their students too. They also reported higher levels of interest in active learning, confidence, and teacher agency, reflecting that the professional development training had a positive impact on teachers' practices.
Professional Development, Design Thinking, STEAM Pedagogy, Action Research, Integrated STEAM, Teacher Agency
(1) Feza Mehddi
PhD Scholar, Department of Elementary & Teacher Education, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Asma Shahid Kazi
Associate Professor, Department of Elementary & Teacher Education, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Abira Ismat Butt
Assistant Professor, Department of Elementary & Teacher Education, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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APA : Mehddi, F., Kazi, A. S., & Butt, A. I. (2024). Influence of Teachers' Professional Development in Integrated STEAM Pedagogy on Teachers' Practices. Global Educational Studies Review, IX(II), 11-20.
CHICAGO : Mehddi, Feza, Asma Shahid Kazi, and Abira Ismat Butt. 2024. "Influence of Teachers' Professional Development in Integrated STEAM Pedagogy on Teachers' Practices." Global Educational Studies Review, IX (II): 11-20 doi: 10.31703/gesr.2024(IX-II).02
HARVARD : MEHDDI, F., KAZI, A. S. & BUTT, A. I. 2024. Influence of Teachers' Professional Development in Integrated STEAM Pedagogy on Teachers' Practices. Global Educational Studies Review, IX, 11-20.
MHRA : Mehddi, Feza, Asma Shahid Kazi, and Abira Ismat Butt. 2024. "Influence of Teachers' Professional Development in Integrated STEAM Pedagogy on Teachers' Practices." Global Educational Studies Review, IX: 11-20
MLA : Mehddi, Feza, Asma Shahid Kazi, and Abira Ismat Butt. "Influence of Teachers' Professional Development in Integrated STEAM Pedagogy on Teachers' Practices." Global Educational Studies Review, IX.II (2024): 11-20 Print.
OXFORD : Mehddi, Feza, Kazi, Asma Shahid, and Butt, Abira Ismat (2024), "Influence of Teachers' Professional Development in Integrated STEAM Pedagogy on Teachers' Practices", Global Educational Studies Review, IX (II), 11-20
TURABIAN : Mehddi, Feza, Asma Shahid Kazi, and Abira Ismat Butt. "Influence of Teachers' Professional Development in Integrated STEAM Pedagogy on Teachers' Practices." Global Educational Studies Review IX, no. II (2024): 11-20.