http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/gesr.2023(VIII-IV).02      10.31703/gesr.2023(VIII-IV).02      Published : Dec 2023
Authored by : Muhammad Tahir Khan Farooqi , Uzma Rashid , Muhammad Javid

02 Pages : 9-18


    The present study was conducted to explore the students' perception regarding the effectiveness of teaching quality at the university level. The study was descriptive in nature and a convenience sampling technique was applied to collect data using a self–developed questionnaire from 686 students of the University of Okara. The collected data was analyzed by applying SPSS software for descriptive and inferential statistics.  To compare the students’ views regarding quality of teaching a t-test and ANOVA was applied. The findings of the study explored that the overall teaching quality of faculty was above average. Male and female students shared, similar perceptions on factors like pedagogical skills, managerial competencies, supportive learning environment, teachers’ support, and feedback). However, a significant difference exists between male and female respondents regarding the availability of resources. The researcher recommended that the indicators of quality teaching be focused through training, seminars, and conferences to improve these parameters.

    Key Words

    Quality Teaching, Students’ Perception, Learning Environment. Teaching Aids, Classroom Management


    The subject of education which is of a high standard has recently come to the forefront of public discourse. Because of its prominent position on the agendas of education systems and governments, the meanings and applications of the term "quality teaching" are currently being subjected to a variety of forms of critical scrutiny and review (Gore, 2021). This concept is the foundation of evaluation

    practices and has been the driving force behind educational overhauls in several different countries. Many nations all over the world have been dominated by a dispute regarding the quality of teaching and teachers at the micro and local levels (Weber, 2007). It is challenging to describe quality teaching without taking into consideration the disputed nature of the notion of quality culture in higher education (Entwistle, 2017).

    Quality Teaching

    This makes it difficult to define quality teaching. Some academics consider quality to be primarily an outcome, while others consider it to be a trait. Some people think that it is difficult to completely grasp or evaluate the quality of education since it is continually progressing toward complete perfection. A significant amount of research points out that "good teachers" are compassionate, knowledgeable, and, above all else, communicative and expressive with their students (Hadjipanteli, 2023). This is considered to be the most important quality. "Excellent teachers" are people who are enthusiastic about their subject matter, their career, their students, and the process of learning in general (Miulescu & Tacea, 2022). The quality of teaching refers to a clear and measurable description of the specific criteria and indicators used to assess and evaluate effective teaching practices. The term "quality teaching" can mean different things to different people. The concept of "quality" can refer to a variety of things and have varying connotations (Jordens & Zepke, 2019). The term "quality" can refer to either the product of a process, a property of that process, or the technique itself. It shouldn't come as much of a surprise that the concept of "quality teaching" has been understood in a few different ways by various people (Muijs & Reynolds, 2017).

    Indicators of Quality Teaching

    Assessment and Feedback

    Assessment plays a crucial role in the teaching-learning process by assisting students in their overall progress toward problem-solving (Gryphon, 2017)  In terms of feedback, the learning outcomes are taken into consideration as indicators of whether or not the courses that were delivered were sufficient for the learners(Lapitan et al., 2021). However, feedback should be tailored to the requirements of the students to make it simpler for the instructors to evaluate the student's knowledge, abilities, learning potentials, and requirements (Sadler, 2014). Instructors often provided students with feedback in the form of affirmation or moved on to another topic without reacting to the comments provided by students (Brookhart, 2017).

    Learning environment

    It is the teacher’s responsibility to create an atmosphere conducive to learning in the classroom since this significantly influences the student’s desire to study and their outlook on the subject. In this regard, classrooms that are purposeful, task-oriented, and supportive often make it easier for pupils to learn (Gadd & Parr, 2016). The instructional approaches employed for schools beginning in Uganda often did not assist in the development of their appropriate reading abilities owing to the traditional teaching environment that was used (Datzberger, 2018).

    Classroom management

    There are several possible configurations for a classroom’s layout. According to Aida (2008), a whole-class approach makes it easier to share the same material with the whole class and evaluate students in situations where group members may collaborate and encourage each other to complete their work in various ways(Lin& Reigeluth, 2016). This is relevant to the context of this discussion. However, classrooms need to be designed so that the instructor, the group, and members of the group can take turns teaching the class. Wong and Wong (2018) argue that to have better classroom management, students should work on improving their communication and ensuring consistency.

    Teaching Aids

    The quality of interactions in a classroom may be negatively impacted when there are not enough teaching materials or physical facilities (Wang & Degol, 2016). During instruction, students may use various educational resources, including textbooks, pens, pencils, and cards; large sheets of paper; construction blocks; straws; wooden chips; money; body games; and social activities. Even non-traditional educational tools, such as student worksheets, may serve as a medium of instruction to better satisfy the students’ requirements (Pard, 2018).

    Teacher’s Education

    All students should have access to teachers who will encourage them to take charge of their education (Biesta et al., 2015). If instructors want to have a good impact on their students’ learning, they should use inquiry to refine and enhance their lessons (Lotter & Miller, 2017). The instructional approaches employed for schools beginning in Uganda often did not assist in the development of their appropriate reading abilities owing to the traditional teaching environment that was used (Datzberger, 2018). A significant amount of research points out that "good teachers" are compassionate, knowledgeable, and, above all else, communicative and expressive with their students (Hadjipanteli, 2023).  Therefore, expertise plays a significant part in bringing efficacy to teaching since experienced educators are more likely to know efficient methods of interacting with students than those with less training (Stronge, 2018).

    Students' Perception of Quality Teaching Practices

    The ability of an HEI to retain student satisfaction is a significant indicator of the quality of education and services it offers (Borishade et al., 2021). Students' satisfaction with the institutions they attend for their higher education varies based on their worldview (Chakraverty, 2022). According to Kebede et al., 2020), the capability of a university to attract and retain students strongly relies on the institution's ability to fulfil the needs, requirements, and expectations of those students. This concept is the foundation of evaluation practices and has been the driving force behind educational overhauls in several different countries. The major cause of students’ dropout at higher education level is unhappiness with the school's capacity to satisfy the student's needs and expectations (Tinto, 2012). Prospective students place a significant amount of weight on the quality of instruction an educational institution provides (Gibbs, 2010). Measuring students' satisfaction with the education and services they get from universities is an essential step in ensuring that these institutions live up to their obligations (Perez& Ilagan, 2020).

    Objectives of the Study

    1.     To determine the students’ perceptions regarding quality teaching practices.

    2.     To compare the students’ perspicacity regarding the excellence of teaching practices based on different demographic variables (gender, student's area of study).

    Hypothesis of the Study

    H01:  There is no significant gender-based difference in students' perception of the teaching quality.

    H02:  There is no significant locale-based difference in students' perception of teaching quality.

    Delimitation of the Study

    1.     This study only investigates the students’ perceptions regarding quality teaching practices.

    2.     The study was further limited to the University of Okara.

    Research Design

    The research design is the comprehensive strategy for accomplishing the objectives of the study. (Rashid et al, 2019). Because the study uses a quantitative methodology, numerical data must be gathered and analyzed. Data from the respondents was collected by a cross-sectional survey method in this quantitative study. According to Shu and Ye (2023), this approach makes it possible to identify the set patterns, make predictions, explore linkages, and foresee findings for a broader population.

    Population of Study

    The study population refers to a group of well-described people who share analogous characteristics. In the present study, the population comprised of enrolled students of the University of Okara. The population is calculated through the Registration Branch at the University of Okara. 11 thousand students who are enrolled at the University of Okara were included as a population.

    Sample and Sampling Technique

    Sampling is a technique used to identify traits or parameters that apply to the entire population by choosing a representative subset from the wider population. Researchers often use sampling because it is impractical to collect data from the entire population (Baltes & Ralph, 2022). In this study, a convenient sampling technique is employed to gather the sample. This non-probability sampling technique chooses participants based on their ease of access and closeness to the researcher. The use of convenient sampling is driven by constraints in time and resources, making it challenging to reach the entire population. 686 students were included as a sample of enrolled students at the University of Okara.

    Research Instrument

    To investigate the research problem, a self-developed questionnaire called the “Quality Teaching Scale” was used to measure the level of quality teaching at the University of Okara. It is composed of seven factors or domains.

    Table 1

    S. No

    Names of Factors



    Pedagogical Skills



    Teachers’ Managerial competencies



    Supportive Learning Environment



    Teachers' Professional behaviour



    Support to Students



    Availability of Resources/Infrastructure







    Validity of Research Instrument

    Using reliable research instruments is a basic prerequisite for carrying out any kind of investigation. The best research instrument possible needs to be developed for the investigation. Finding out whether the research instruments are suitable for the study's topic, whether they include all required elements, and whether they adhere to a well-organized, methodical pattern are the main objectives of validation (Nardi, 2018). The study supervisor, seasoned instructors, and subject-matter experts were consulted to guarantee the validity of the tools. Other item statements and locations were modified, and other items were removed in response to their feedback.

    Reliability of Research Instrument

    During the pilot study, the instrument's dependability was guaranteed by using it in a non-sample region. Before the questionnaire statements were distributed, pilot research was conducted. For this objective, the researcher used 35 non-sample students in the questionnaires. Students were given questionnaires, and their responses were subjected to statistical analysis. The internal stability of the study instrument and the dependability of the tools were computed using SPSS. The quality teaching scale had the highest level of reliability for each item statement in the survey, as indicated by the estimated significance of the Cronbach alpha coefficient of 0.947

    Data Collection

    The researcher gathered the information by

    making personal visits to the University of Okara.

    Analysis and Interpretation of Data

    Table 2



    Per cent










    The above table revealed that the total respondents of to the study were 685 of which 222 (32.4%) were male students while 464(67.6%) were female students

    Table 3

    Program of Study


    Per cent













    The table above describes the area of study of the research respondents. It shows that 634 (92%) students who responded to the questionnaire belong to BS/MSC/MA/BBA. Students who belong to MS/M.Phil/MBA are 46 (6.7%), whereas only 6% are from PhD.

    Table 4







    Quality Teaching






    Skewness informs us about the spreadness of data, while kurtosis provides information regarding the peakedness of data. When the values' skewness and kurtosis fall between -2 and +2 and -7 and +7, respectively, the data is said to be normally distributed

    Table 5

    Factors of Quality Teaching



    Std. Deviation

    Teachers Managerial competencies




    Supportive Learning Environment




    Teachers Professional behaviour




    Support to Students




    Availability of Resources








    Table 5 portrays the students' perceptions of various quality teaching dimensions. The mean score of Teachers Managerial Competencies (X?= 3.61), Supportive Learning Environment (X?= 3.67), Teachers Professional Behavior (X?= 3.69), Support to Students (X?= 3.31), Availability of Resources (X?= 3.29), Feedback are (X?= 3.60) it is observed from the mean score of the different dimensions that students perception of teachers professional behaviour is high than other dimensions of quality teaching.

    Null Hypothesis Testing of

    H01: There is no significant gender-based difference in students' perception of the teaching quality. 

    Table 6




















    To compare the views of men and women regarding the quality of instruction, a t-test was conducted for an independent sample. Table 9 displayed that the t (684) = 1.446 was not significant at p =, indicating that the null hypothesis H01 was accepted. The

    conclusion reached was that there is no significant difference between the perceptions of quality teaching.

    H02: There is no significant locale-based difference in students' perception of teaching quality.

    Table 7

    Quality Teaching

    Sum of Square


    Mean Square



    Between Groups









    Within Groups




    To assess students' opinions of the quality of instruction according to their field of study, the ANOVA test was employed. The F-value (2.037) was not significant at p = 0.131>0.05, as Table 10 demonstrates, leading to the acceptance of the null hypothesis H02. Based on their field of study, it was consequently found that there was no variation in the way students perceived the calibre of instruction.


    1.     It was found that the level of quality of teaching total (X?=3.53) is above average. As far as different components of the quality of teaching are concerned, teachers' professional behaviour (X = 3.69) is at the highest level, and availability of resources (X = 3.29) is at the lowest level (Tables 4.6, 4.7).

    2.     No gender-based significant difference was found among teachers regarding the quality of teaching (p=.000<.05). Similarly, no significant difference was established regarding students' perception of the teaching quality of teachers of different localities. (p=.499 >.05) 


    The following conclusion was drawn from the research.

    1.     The analysis of the data and its respective findings led to the conclusion that although the level of quality teaching is above average, it is not so good. The quality of teaching, including teacher professional behaviour, is at the highest level, and the availability of resources is at the lowest level. The comparison of male and female students’ perceptions revealed that they possess similar opinions about the quality of teaching.

    2.     The analysis of data for students' programmed study again reveals that students have similar perceptions about quality teaching and its different components. VIZ, quality teaching, including pedagogical skills, teachers' managerial competencies, a supportive learning environment, teachers' support of students, teachers' professional behaviour, teachers' feedback, and the availability of resources.


    As per students’ opinion, the teaching quality of teachers is average. Therefore, measures ought to be adopted to improve the quality of teaching. In this regard, it is suggested that,

    1.     Teachers should be engaged in refresher courses and their content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge should be enhanced by providing consecutive and constructive feedback.

    2.     Teachers monitoring and evaluation procedures should be improved so that they can be properly evaluated regarding their teaching skills.

    Feedback concerning the teachers of valuation should be shared with the teachers in time so that they can improve their deficiencies and areas of poor performance.


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Cite this article

    APA : Farooqi, M. T. K., Rashid, U., & Javid, M. (2023). Exploring Students' Perception About the Quality of Teaching at the University Level. Global Educational Studies Review, VIII(IV), 9-18. https://doi.org/10.31703/gesr.2023(VIII-IV).02
    CHICAGO : Farooqi, Muhammad Tahir Khan, Uzma Rashid, and Muhammad Javid. 2023. "Exploring Students' Perception About the Quality of Teaching at the University Level." Global Educational Studies Review, VIII (IV): 9-18 doi: 10.31703/gesr.2023(VIII-IV).02
    HARVARD : FAROOQI, M. T. K., RASHID, U. & JAVID, M. 2023. Exploring Students' Perception About the Quality of Teaching at the University Level. Global Educational Studies Review, VIII, 9-18.
    MHRA : Farooqi, Muhammad Tahir Khan, Uzma Rashid, and Muhammad Javid. 2023. "Exploring Students' Perception About the Quality of Teaching at the University Level." Global Educational Studies Review, VIII: 9-18
    MLA : Farooqi, Muhammad Tahir Khan, Uzma Rashid, and Muhammad Javid. "Exploring Students' Perception About the Quality of Teaching at the University Level." Global Educational Studies Review, VIII.IV (2023): 9-18 Print.
    OXFORD : Farooqi, Muhammad Tahir Khan, Rashid, Uzma, and Javid, Muhammad (2023), "Exploring Students' Perception About the Quality of Teaching at the University Level", Global Educational Studies Review, VIII (IV), 9-18
    TURABIAN : Farooqi, Muhammad Tahir Khan, Uzma Rashid, and Muhammad Javid. "Exploring Students' Perception About the Quality of Teaching at the University Level." Global Educational Studies Review VIII, no. IV (2023): 9-18. https://doi.org/10.31703/gesr.2023(VIII-IV).02