The purpose of this research study was to highlight the importance of online social media sources in English language vocabulary development at university level. The study was descriptive in nature that is why self-developed questionnaire was used for the collection of data as a research instrument. Population of the study was all the master level students enrolled in session 2015-16 of social sciences and pure sciences in public sector universities, and sample size of the present study was eight hundred students of four public sector universities of southern districts in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Similarly, the data which was collected from the given sample of population was arranged, coded, analyzed, and tabulated through SPSS version 24. Statistical tools which were used for analysis of the present data were percentage, mean, standard deviation, independent sample t-test, and one way ANOVA post hoc. Result of the study showed positive effect.
Key Words
University level learners, Access to Social media, English language Vocabulary
Learning from various online social media sites is very important because it develops the creative power of the learners and increases their level of understanding while reading new words of vocabulary, watching new images, and listening of sounds and pronunciation styles of various native and non-native speakers of English language (khan et al, 2016). Media use is not only useful for English language learners but also for those teachers who teach English to because the English teachers may get help from socials media sources like new methods of teaching English, new words of vocabulary, new styles, and similarly, various online workshops and seminars which are helpful for them regarding English language teaching to university level learners. Teachers get help from online sources and then they use these new trends in education on their students (Aydin, 2012). Thorne (2010) suggested the reason of social media familiarity is that social media is used to develop relationship through online communication and online. It is used to maintain relationship and is used for social interaction. The various social media sources are used for variety of purposes like classroom activities, social interaction, social awareness, and familiarity. Similarly, it is used for sharing of information and other necessary posts and pictures (Facer & Abdous, 2011). Social media sources like Facebook facilitate the learners and help them in learning process. As Yu, Tian, Vogel and Kwok (2010) also described the role of social networking that social media sources and especially the online social networking are the sources of autonomous learning and self-initiated learning. it is that source which makes them able improve their vocabulary and share their views and maintain personal links with others. Similarly, a large amount of vocabulary grammatical knowledge is there available on internet the learners may download various topics and grammatical rules and then they may share it with other friends and class-fellows for their extension of knowledge and information about that topic or field of interest through the help of social media source like Facebook (Valentine & Repath-Martos, 1997). As it is mentioned above the features and advantages of social media tool Facebook in English as foreign language learning i.e. writing assignments, sharing of information, development of vocabulary, and so many other benefits the other important one is that it builds positive attitudes of students. Shih (2011) described in his experimental study that the use of Facebook in English language learning plays an important role and said that it develops the positive attitudes of the English learners besides another advantages of social media sources in English language learning. Similarly, Another study which was conducted by Al-Shehri (2011) on male university level students highlighted that social media sources like Facebook plays an important role in English language learning. The findings of the study highlighted that learning through Facebook is new for English language learners and it is interested for English language learners. Learning through Facebook facilitate the English language learners and provide the English language learners opportunities to improve their vocabulary and get relevant information about the surrounding which are helpful for them in English language learning process (Brady et al, 2010).
Review of Literature
Online social media sources plays an important role in English language learning process because it facilitate learners to improve their learning of foreign or second language. According to new modern approach outside the classroom conversation is more beneficial for English learners as compare to classroom discussion. Social media based language learning enables the EFL learners to get benefits from those material which are already available on internet, and improve their language learning skills i.e. listening, speaking, reading, writing, and language learning competencies i.e. grammar competency and vocabulary building which using the various online sources (Krashen, 1988). You Tube is one the most important sites of social networking and play an important role in English language learning because the English learners may easily download videos from the You Tube and then they may learn English language from this video which are shared by teachers or other language exports for the help and support of the English language learners (Irfan et al, 2016). The other important point regarding the You Tube application is that it is useful for English language teachers because the English language teachers use important video of English language in the classroom like video which are related to the pronunciation practice or different techniques which are used for language fluency and learners may get help from these video in order to improve their pronunciation, Grammar, vocabulary, listening, speaking, reading and writing skills of English language in a very easy and systematic manner (Brady et al, 2010).
Throne, (2009) has reported that blogs are used for many purposes in respect of language learning. Teachers and learners both use Facebook for variety of purposes like language learning assessment, practice of English language vocabulary, repetition of words, and making sentences. Different topics may be discussed in blogs which is written in blogs and the EFL leaners may present their comments on various topics and paragraphs which improve the reading and writing skills of EFL learners. Hui-Ju Wu and Pai-Lu Wu (2011) also find the trend that blogging plays a pivotal role in language learning. He has highlighted in his research study that blogs play a dominant role in reading and writing skills development of English learners, but the importance of blogging may not be ignored in vocabulary development of English learners. Blogs help the English learners to develop vocabulary, increase reading speed, develop proper use of grammar and enhance the reading comprehension of the EFL learners (Steven, 2009).
Sykes et al. (2008) A also in their study revealed that computer-mediated communication tools are helpful in the study of language learning, and the practice of text-based chatting and multiple online gaming and mobile devices are also very helpful for them. Those learners who use social media sources like Facebook are more talented in reading and writing skills of English language because they do practice of reading and writing properly and use new words and vocabulary in writing skills (Bakar et al, 2010).
It is not only difficult to utilize media sources in classroom activities but a challenge also like print media or electronic media but so far as the application of social media is concerned than we may not wrong to say that social media sources are useful and easy for English language learners like Facebook use or twitter etc. (Shirley Biagy, 1996) described that media plays an important role in Education and facilitate the learners in teaching learning process and help them to improve their vocabulary. Media is use for entertainment of learners and increases the potential of learners. There are a number of online sites through which the English learners may get help easily (Aydin, 2012).
Objectives of the Study
1. To find out the role of access to online social media sources for English language vocabulary development at university level (across gender group).
2. To find out the role of access to online social media sources for English language vocabulary development at university level (across discipline).
3. To make appropriate recommendations based on the findings of the study
Hypothesis of the Study
4. There is no significant difference in access to online social media sources for English language vocabulary development at university level. (Across gender group).
2. There is no significant difference in access to online social media sources for English language vocabulary development at university level. (Across discipline).
Population of the study was all the student of public sector universities of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa enrolled in MA, M.Sc. programs session 2015-16. The study was descriptive in nature that is why self-developed questionnaire was used for the collection of data and finally data was collected from only 789 respondents both social sciences and pure sciences across gender groups. The researcher used one and same questionnaire for collection of data from the students of both social sciences and pure sciences. The validity and reliability of the modified questionnaire was checked in pilot study. The reliability of the questionnaire items were estimated with Cronbach’s Alpha. The data was collected through questionnaire in this way that the researcher explained orally the statements of questionnaire to the respondents and then the learners filled the questionnaires according to the given instruction and then the collected data was analyzed through statistical techniques like mean, standard deviation, independent T-test. In order to perform these statistical tools the researcher used SPSS (version-24).
Graph 1:
Table 1. Use of Social Media Sources for
English Language Vocabulary Development
In the above table 1 views of
respondents regarding vocabulary development through use of social media
sources are presented. Those learners who never use social media sources for
English language vocabulary development are zero, those who rarely use various social media sources
for English language vocabulary development are 10 1.3%, those learners who use
sometimes were 179, 22.7%, those learners who often use sociasl media sources
for English language vocabulary development were 282, 35.7%, and those learners
who always use various social media sources for English language vocabulary
development were only 318 out of 789 which is 40.3% of the total sample of population. Thus in
light of the above detail it may not be wrong to say that most of learners use
various social media sources for English language vocabulary development but
still there are a large number of learners who are never use or rarely and or
only sometime use social media sources for English language speaking skills
Table 2. Usefulness of Social media Sources
of English Language Vocabulary Development
Scale Used |
Frequency |
Percent |
Valid Percent |
Cumulative Percent |
Not at all helpful |
39 |
4.9 |
4.9 |
4.9 |
Slightly Helpful |
33 |
4.2 |
4.2 |
9.1 |
helpful |
109 |
13.8 |
13.8 |
22.9 |
very Helpful |
439 |
55.6 |
55.6 |
78.6 |
Extremely Helpful |
169 |
21.4 |
21.4 |
100.0 |
Total |
789 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
The above table 2 clearly
indicated the views of learners regarding the improvement of English language
vocabulary through online social media channels. The detail of learners are in
light of five point likert scale are given below: Total number of responses
regarding social media sources not at all helpful for English language
vocabulary development were 39, 4.9%, slightly helpful were 33, 4.2%, somewhat
helpful responses were 109, 13.8%, very helpful responses were 439, 55.6% and
extremely helpful responses were 169, 21.4%.
Thus in light of the above views of the respondents it may not be wrong
to say that social media sources are very helpful for English language
vocabulary development.
Table 3. Usefulness of Social Media
Sources for English Language Learning Across gender groups (t-test)
Language Skills
& Competencies |
Gender |
N |
Mean |
Std. Deviation |
F |
Sig. |
Vocabulary Development |
Female Students |
389 |
4.0720 |
.84032 |
Male Students |
400 |
3.6200 |
1.00654 |
41.542 |
.000 |
Female Students |
389 |
3.9100 |
.87321 |
The above table 3 in vocabulary
development male students mean 3.6200, female students mean 3.9100 std.
deviation of male students 1.00654, and std. deviation of female students
.87321, F-value 41.542, P-value is .000.
Table 4. Usefulness of Social Media Sources for
English Language Learning Across discipline
Language Skills
& Competencies |
Discipline |
N |
Mean |
Std. Deviation |
F |
Sig. |
Vocabulary Development |
Pure sciences |
389 |
3.8586 |
.92673 |
Social Sciences |
390 |
3.7744 |
1.02682 |
.326 |
.568 |
Pure sciences |
389 |
3.7455 |
.88778 |
The above table 4 in vocabulary
development social sciences students mean 3.7744, pure sciences students mean
3.7455 std. deviation of social sciences students 1.02682, std. deviation of
pure sciences students .88778, F-value .326, and P-value is .568.
Table 5. Usefulness of Social Media
Sources for English Language Learning Across gender groups (ANOVA)
Language Skills
& Competencies |
Wise Groups |
Sum of Squares |
df |
Mean Square |
F |
Sig. |
Development |
Between Groups |
16.588 |
1 |
16.588 |
18.648 |
.000 |
Within Groups |
700.091 |
787 |
.890 |
Total |
716.679 |
788 |
above table 5 of ANOVA application showed the views of gender groups regarding
the usefulness of various social media sources in English language skills and
competencies development which the researcher has selected for this present
study. In vocabulary development sum of
squares between groups 16.588 and within groups 700.091, total 716.679 mean
square 16.588 and .890, F-value 18.648, P-value .000. Thus in the above table
of ANOVA application there is significance in views of learners that is why the
hypothesis were accepted that there is no significant difference between the
views of male and female learners regarding usefulness of social media sources
for English language skills and competencies development because in all
statement p-value is .000 which is less than critical threshold 0.05.
Table 6. Usefulness of Social Media
Sources for English Language Learning Across gender groups (ANOVA)
Language Skills
& Competencies |
Discipline Wise
groups |
Sum of Squares |
df |
Mean Square |
F |
Sig. |
Within Groups |
741.367 |
786 |
.943 |
Total |
741.825 |
788 |
Development |
Between Groups |
.731 |
2 |
.366 |
.401 |
.670 |
Within Groups |
715.948 |
786 |
.911 |
Total |
716.679 |
788 |
above table 6 of ANOVA application reflected the views of discipline groups
regarding the usefulness of various social media sources in English language
skills and competencies development which the researcher had selected for this
present study. . In vocabulary development
sum of squares between groups .731 and within groups 715.948, total 716.679
mean square .366 and .911, F-value .401, P-value .670. Thus in the above table
of ANOVA application there is insignificance in views of learners that is why
the hypothesis is rejected that there is no significant difference between the
views of social sciences and pure sciences learners regarding usefulness of
social media sources for English language skills and competencies development
because p-value in all statements is greater than critical threshold 0.05.
Table 7. Effect of Social media Sources
on English Language Vocabulary Development across Gender groups
Questionnaire statements |
groups |
N |
Mean |
Deviation |
df |
F |
Sig. |
My vocabulary English
language has increased due to the use of various social media sources. |
Male Students |
400 |
4.1725 |
.58189 |
787 |
18.433 |
.000 |
Female Students |
389 |
4.2828 |
.63994 |
775.346 |
Use of social media sources
helped me to learn new vocabulary of English language. |
Male Students |
400 |
4.1700 |
.59749 |
787 |
14.644 |
.000 |
Female Students |
389 |
4.2828 |
.63994 |
779.757 |
I use social media sources to
read my friends ’opinions about several issues in order to increase my
vocabulary of English language. |
Male Students |
400 |
4.1725 |
.58189 |
787 |
23.038 |
.000 |
Female Students |
389 |
4.3008 |
.64578 |
773.607 |
Social media is an important
source for English language vocabulary development. |
Male Students |
400 |
4.1725 |
.58189 |
787 |
16.503 |
.000 |
Female Students |
389 |
4.2751 |
.63726 |
776.110 |
I read different text materials
by using social media sources to increase my English language vocabulary. |
Male Students |
400 |
4.1725 |
.58189 |
787 |
14.620 |
.000 |
Female Students |
389 |
4.2674 |
.63448 |
776.881 |
Social media sources may be
used to increase my English language vocabulary. |
Male Students |
400 |
4.1725 |
.58189 |
787 |
17.536 |
.000 |
Female Students |
389 |
4.2699 |
.64348 |
774.303 |
Social media have become an
important source of English language vocabulary development. |
Male Students |
400 |
4.1725 |
.58189 |
787 |
18.201 |
.000 |
Female Students |
389 |
4.2725 |
.64440 |
774.028 |
Social media is my first
choice to find new learning strategies for my vocabulary building. |
Male Students |
400 |
4.1825 |
.58742 |
787 |
15.049 |
.000 |
Female Students |
389 |
4.2828 |
.63994 |
777.035 |
I use social media to get new
information which improve my vocabulary of English language. |
Male Students |
400 |
4.4125 |
.69177 |
787 |
15.424 |
.000 |
Female Students |
389 |
4.4344 |
.59113 |
774.247 |
Social media is an important
platform that allows us to improve our English language vocabulary. |
Male Students |
400 |
4.1725 |
.58189 |
787 |
24.997 |
.000 |
Female Students |
389 |
4.2931 |
.65525 |
770.594 |
The above table 7 of t-test
application clearly indicates the views of university level learners across
gender groups regarding the role of social media sources in English language
vocabulary development. The results of the study in light here showed that there was no significant difference
between the views of male and female
learners because in all the above ten statements the F-value is greater than
p-value like in first statement the F-value is 18.433, and P-value is .000, in
second statement F-value is 14.644, and P-value is .000, in third statement
F-value is 23.038, and P-value is .000, in fourth statement F-value is 16.503,
and P-value is .000, in fifth statement F-value is 14.620, and P-value is
.000, in sixth statement F-value is
17.536, and P-value is .000, in seventh statement F-value is 18.201, and
P-value is .000, in eight statement F-value is 15.049, and P-value is .000, in
ninth statement F-value is 15.424, and
P-value is .000, in last statement F-value is 24.997, and P-value is .000. Thus it is also accepted because p-value in
all statements is .000 which is less than critical threshold 0.05. It showed
that there is no significant difference in views of leaners regarding effect of
various social media sources in English language vocabulary development across
gender groups at university level.
Table 8. Effect of Social media Sources on
English Language Vocabulary Development across Discipline groups
Questionnaire statements |
Discipline |
N |
Mean |
Std. Deviation |
df |
F |
Sig. |
My vocabulary English
language has increased due to the use of various social media sources. |
Social Sciences |
390 |
4.1564 |
.69788 |
777 |
29.019 |
.000 |
Pure sciences |
389 |
4.3290 |
.47047 |
682.242 |
Use of social media sources
helped me to learn new vocabulary of English language. |
Social Sciences |
390 |
4.1538 |
.71122 |
777 |
33.046 |
.000 |
Pure sciences |
389 |
4.3290 |
.47047 |
674.946 |
I use social media sources to
read my friends ’opinions about several issues in order to increase my
vocabulary of English language. |
Social Sciences |
390 |
4.1564 |
.69788 |
777 |
24.260 |
.000 |
Pure sciences |
389 |
4.3470 |
.47664 |
687.230 |
Social media is an important
source for English language vocabulary development. |
Social Sciences |
390 |
4.1487 |
.69403 |
777 |
24.865 |
.000 |
Pure sciences |
389 |
4.3290 |
.47047 |
684.364 |
I read different text materials
by using social media sources to increase my English language vocabulary. |
Social Sciences |
390 |
4.1564 |
.69788 |
777 |
33.845 |
.000 |
Pure sciences |
389 |
4.3136 |
.46456 |
677.375 |
Social media sources may be
used to increase my English language vocabulary. |
Social Sciences |
390 |
4.1462 |
.69643 |
777 |
24.339 |
.000 |
Pure sciences |
389 |
4.3265 |
.47499 |
686.698 |
Social media have become an
important source of English language vocabulary development. |
Social Sciences |
390 |
4.1462 |
.70011 |
777 |
27.367 |
.000 |
Pure sciences |
389 |
4.3290 |
.47047 |
681.018 |
Social media is my first
choice to find new learning strategies for my vocabulary building. |
Social Sciences |
390 |
4.1667 |
.70285 |
777 |
34.996 |
.000 |
Pure sciences |
389 |
4.3290 |
.47047 |
679.513 |
I use social media to get new
information which improve my vocabulary of English language. |
Social Sciences |
390 |
4.3205 |
.71512 |
777 |
70.104 |
.000 |
Pure sciences |
389 |
4.5630 |
.49666 |
693.579 |
Social media is an important
platform that allows us to improve our English language vocabulary. |
Social Sciences |
390 |
4.1564 |
.69788 |
777 |
21.045 |
.000 |
Pure sciences |
389 |
4.3393 |
.49013 |
697.779 |
above table 8 of t-test application clearly indicates the views of university
level learners across discipline regarding the role of social media sources in
English language vocabulary development. The results of the study in light here
highlighted that there is no significant difference between the views of social sciences and pure sciences learners because in all the above ten
statements the F-value is greater than p-value like in first statement the
F-value is 929.019, and P-value is .000, in second statement F-value is 33.046,
and P-value is .000, in third statement F-value is 24.260, and P-value is .000,
in fourth statement F-value is 24.865, and P-value is .000, in fifth statement
F-value is 33.845, and P-value is .000,
in sixth statement F-value is 24.339, and P-value is .000, in seventh
statement F-value is 27.367, and P-value is .000, in eight statement F-value is
34.996, and P-value is .000, in ninth
statement F-value is 70.104, and P-value is .000, in last statement F-value
is 21.045, and P-value is .000, thus it
is accepted because p-value in all statements is .000 which is less than
critical threshold 0.05 which shows the significance of results. It showed that
there is no significant difference in social sciences and pure sciences leaners
regarding effect of various social media sources in English language vocabulary
development at university level.
Table 9. Effect of Social media Sources on
English Language Vocabulary Development across gender groups
Questionnaire Statements |
Gender wise groups |
Sum of Squares |
df |
Mean Square |
F |
Sig. |
My vocabulary English
language has increased due to the use of various social media sources. |
Between Groups |
2.398 |
1 |
2.398 |
6.420 |
.011 |
Within Groups |
293.992 |
787 |
.374 |
Total |
296.390 |
788 |
I use social media sources to
read my friends ’opinions about several issues in order to increase my
vocabulary of English language. |
Between Groups |
2.508 |
1 |
2.508 |
6.551 |
.011 |
Within Groups |
301.335 |
787 |
.383 |
Total |
303.843 |
788 |
Social media is an important
source for English language vocabulary development. |
Between Groups |
3.245 |
1 |
3.245 |
8.601 |
.003 |
Within Groups |
296.907 |
787 |
.377 |
Total |
300.152 |
788 |
Social media sources may be
used to increase my English language vocabulary. |
Between Groups |
2.075 |
1 |
2.075 |
5.579 |
.018 |
Within Groups |
292.666 |
787 |
.372 |
Total |
294.740 |
788 |
Social media have become an
important source of English language vocabulary development. |
Between Groups |
1.774 |
1 |
1.774 |
4.794 |
.029 |
Within Groups |
291.293 |
787 |
.370 |
Total |
293.067 |
788 |
I use social media to get new
information which improve my vocabulary of English language. |
Between Groups |
1.872 |
1 |
1.872 |
4.981 |
.026 |
Within Groups |
295.756 |
787 |
.376 |
Total |
297.627 |
788 |
Social media is an important
platform that allows us to improve our English language vocabulary.. |
Between Groups |
1.972 |
1 |
1.972 |
5.239 |
.022 |
Within Groups |
296.213 |
787 |
.376 |
Total |
298.185 |
788 |
Use of social media sources
helped me to learn new vocabulary of English language. |
Between Groups |
1.983 |
1 |
1.983 |
5.262 |
.022 |
Within Groups |
296.572 |
787 |
.377 |
Total |
298.555 |
788 |
I use social media sources to
read my friends ’opinions about several issues in order to increase my
vocabulary of English language. |
Between Groups |
.095 |
1 |
.095 |
.229 |
.632 |
Within Groups |
326.516 |
787 |
.415 |
Total |
326.611 |
788 |
Social media is an important
source for English language vocabulary development. |
Between Groups |
2.866 |
1 |
2.866 |
7.477 |
.006 |
Within Groups |
301.689 |
787 |
.383 |
Total |
304.555 |
788 |
above table 9 of one way ANOVA application shows the views of gender groups
regarding the role of social media in English language vocabulary development
at university level in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The views of learners are collected
in five point Likert scale Strongly Disagree to strongly agree. The results of
the study here revealed that there was
insignificance in results of the above table
like in first statement the F-value is 6.420, and P-value is .011, in
second statement F-value is 6.551, and P-value is .011, in third statement
F-value is 8.601, and P-value is .003, in fourth statement F-value is 5.579,
and P-value is .018, in fifth statement F-value is 4.794, and P-value is
.029, in sixth statement F-value is
4.981, and P-value is .026, in seventh statement F-value is 5.239, and P-value
is .022, in eight statement F-value is 5.262, and P-value is .022, in
ninth statement F-value is .229, and
P-value is .632, in last statement F-value is 7.477, and P-value is .006. Thus
it is partially accepted because in some statements p-value is less than
critical threshold but in rest of nine statements p-value is greater than
critical threshold 0.05. It showed that there is significant difference in
views of leaners between groups and within groups across gender groups
regarding effect of various social media sources in English language vocabulary
development at university level.
Table 10. Effect of Social media Sources on
English Language Vocabulary Development across Discipline groups
Questionnaire Statements |
Discipline Wise groups |
Sum of Squares |
df |
Mean Square |
F |
Sig. |
media is an important source for English language vocabulary development. |
Between Groups |
21.050 |
2 |
10.525 |
30.045 |
.000 |
Within Groups |
275.341 |
786 |
.350 |
Total |
296.390 |
788 |
media is an important source for English language vocabulary development. |
Between Groups |
21.192 |
2 |
10.596 |
29.465 |
.000 |
Within Groups |
282.651 |
786 |
.360 |
Total |
303.843 |
788 |
media is an important source for English language vocabulary development. |
Between Groups |
22.544 |
2 |
11.272 |
31.915 |
.000 |
Within Groups |
277.608 |
786 |
.353 |
Total |
300.152 |
788 |
media is an important source for English language vocabulary development. |
Between Groups |
21.484 |
2 |
10.742 |
30.899 |
.000 |
Within Groups |
273.256 |
786 |
.348 |
Total |
294.740 |
788 |
media is an important source for English language vocabulary development. |
Between Groups |
19.870 |
2 |
9.935 |
28.584 |
.000 |
Within Groups |
273.197 |
786 |
.348 |
Total |
293.067 |
788 |
media is an important source for English language vocabulary development. |
Between Groups |
21.421 |
2 |
10.710 |
30.479 |
.000 |
Within Groups |
276.207 |
786 |
.351 |
Total |
297.627 |
788 |
media is an important source for English language vocabulary development. |
Between Groups |
21.634 |
2 |
10.817 |
30.744 |
.000 |
Within Groups |
276.551 |
786 |
.352 |
Total |
298.185 |
788 |
media is an important source for English language vocabulary development. |
Between Groups |
20.507 |
2 |
10.253 |
28.985 |
.000 |
Within Groups |
278.048 |
786 |
.354 |
Total |
298.555 |
788 |
media is an important source for English language vocabulary development. |
Between Groups |
31.968 |
2 |
15.984 |
42.640 |
.000 |
Within Groups |
294.643 |
786 |
.375 |
Total |
326.611 |
788 |
media is an important source for English language vocabulary development. |
Between Groups |
21.888 |
2 |
10.944 |
30.431 |
.000 |
Within Groups |
282.667 |
786 |
.360 |
Total |
304.555 |
788 |
above table 4.70 of one way ANOVA application shows the views of discipline
groups regarding the role of social media in English language vocabulary
development at university level in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The views of learners
are collected in five point Likert scale Strongly Disagree to strongly agree.
The results of the study highlighted that there was no significant difference between the views of social sciences and pure
sciences learners because in all the
above ten statements the F-value is greater than p-value like in first
statement the F-value is 30.045, and P-value is .000, in second statement
F-value is 29.465, and P-value is .011, in third statement F-value is 31.915,
and P-value is .000, in fourth statement F-value is 30.899, and P-value is
.000, in fifth statement F-value is 28.584, and P-value is .000, in sixth statement F-value is 30.479, and
P-value is .000, in seventh statement F-value is 30.744, and P-value is .000,
in eight statement F-value is 28.985, and P-value is .000, in ninth statement F-value is 42,640, and P-value is
.000, in last statement F-value is 30.431, and P-value is .000. Thus it is
accepted because in all ten statements p-value is .000 which is less than
critical threshold 0.05. It showed that there is no significant difference in
social sciences and pure sciences leaners between groups and within groups
regarding effect of various social media sources in English language vocabulary
development at university level.
Finding / Results
• The findings of this study highlighted the importance of online social media sources for English language vocabulary development at university level in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
• The findings of the study highlighted that there is not a significant difference between the views of male and female learners regarding the usefulness of social media sources for English language vocabulary development at university level.
• The findings of the study highlighted that there is not a significant difference between the views of social sciences and pure sciences students regarding the use of social media for English language vocabulary development at university level.
• The findings of the study indicated that the use of social media sources for English language vocabulary development is not only positive in social sciences but also in pure sciences, and similarly, not only for male learners but also for female learners according the views of learners regarding access to online social media for English language vocabulary skills development at university level.
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Cite this article
APA : Khan, I. U., Khan, S. U., & Khan, M. U. (2019). Access to Online Social Media Sources Improve English Learners’ Vocabulary Skills. Global Educational Studies Review, IV(I), 35-45. https://doi.org/10.31703/gesr.2019(IV-I).05
CHICAGO : Khan, Irfan Ullah, Saif Ullah Khan, and Mati Ullah Khan. 2019. "Access to Online Social Media Sources Improve English Learners’ Vocabulary Skills." Global Educational Studies Review, IV (I): 35-45 doi: 10.31703/gesr.2019(IV-I).05
HARVARD : KHAN, I. U., KHAN, S. U. & KHAN, M. U. 2019. Access to Online Social Media Sources Improve English Learners’ Vocabulary Skills. Global Educational Studies Review, IV, 35-45.
MHRA : Khan, Irfan Ullah, Saif Ullah Khan, and Mati Ullah Khan. 2019. "Access to Online Social Media Sources Improve English Learners’ Vocabulary Skills." Global Educational Studies Review, IV: 35-45
MLA : Khan, Irfan Ullah, Saif Ullah Khan, and Mati Ullah Khan. "Access to Online Social Media Sources Improve English Learners’ Vocabulary Skills." Global Educational Studies Review, IV.I (2019): 35-45 Print.
OXFORD : Khan, Irfan Ullah, Khan, Saif Ullah, and Khan, Mati Ullah (2019), "Access to Online Social Media Sources Improve English Learners’ Vocabulary Skills", Global Educational Studies Review, IV (I), 35-45
TURABIAN : Khan, Irfan Ullah, Saif Ullah Khan, and Mati Ullah Khan. "Access to Online Social Media Sources Improve English Learners’ Vocabulary Skills." Global Educational Studies Review IV, no. I (2019): 35-45. https://doi.org/10.31703/gesr.2019(IV-I).05